WATCH: I Prevail Releases VR Version Of Their Heart Stopping Music Video For “DOA”

WATCH: I Prevail Releases VR Version Of Their Heart Stopping Music Video For “DOA”

Trigger Warning: Gun Violence – Drug Abuse – Sexual Violence

I Prevail Joyner Lucas Trauma DOA review

Last month, I Prevail released their highly anticipated music video for their song, “DOA” – which comes off their Grammy-nominated 2019 album, Trauma. Since their quick rise to fame within the scene, I Prevail have continued to push the musical boundaries in both style and themes. Now with this latest release, I Prevail are making it known to all that they, like the rest of us, are tired of the way things are in the world – and if they have to ‘shock’ the airwaves to get the point across, then buckle up.

Unlike the album version, the music video features rapper/actor/producer Joyner Lucas – who kicks off the video firing off a soul-wrenching 17 bars. Lucas puts it all out there, speaking out on the real fears too many Americans live with every day, painting the picture for what it’s like to live life walking on a double-edged sword – “I find myself tryin to escape from where I’m supposed to be safe…Or maybe I should pray like I’m supposed to be saved…But the internet will kill me quicker than the streets will…if that shit doesn’t kill me than the police will.Lucas is no stranger to being the voice of the silenced – after quickly going viral in 2017 with his song, “I’m Not Racist“. Joyner Lucas choosing to pair up with I Prevail – who have been blending the genres throughout the production of Trauma – is the necessary addition to “DOA” we didn’t know we needed.

“We Can Choose To Flourish Or Die

But Whatever We Choose

We Will Do it Together”

The video for “DOA” is quick to jump into that we as a nation have been overly consumed by our phones and social media – using them to document the bad versus trying to step in to stop it or show off the good for simple praises only. We live our lives for validation but stop short when it comes time for real change.

We pledge allegiance to a flag that has let down so many – a school shooting, racists protected under ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws, women dying during/after birth because doctors refuse to listen, vets tossed aside as they are welcomed home, people begging for help as medical bills force them into bankruptcy. “DOA” calls out the hypocrisy in how organizations [like the church] ask for money in order to help those in the community – that is no longer as those asking for help line up with their ideals. “I am not worth saving” becomes deafening as the daily chaos too many experiences are now all in one place – impossible to ignore. This video is a quite simply a gift to those who willfully ignore the broken and pleading, masked with love while their “lungs fill with hate” – wrapped with the perfect ending of zipping up the bodybags of all the lives that “mattered” – including Miss USA who always wins on the false promise of World Peace.

While the jaw-dropping video for “DOA” is enough to overload your system with every emotion – last night I Prevail released a VR version of this now iconic video. This immersive experience gives fans a 360 look inside this harrowing tale that’s a constant reality for the masses. With gunfire shooting through the viewer at all angles who’s now, unexpectedly become apart of the video – the message is even harder to ignore.

Words that are meant to be held to a deeper account shine over the artists’ heads with the trigger words highlighted in red – “I find myself tryin to escape from where I’m supposed to be safe…the internet will kill me…Dead is the land of the free“, and of course, “I Can’t Breathe” – the now-infamous last words of too many Black men and People of Color whose lives were taken at the hands of those who swore to protect and serve.

Regardless of the version you watch, the message is clear – “Whatever We Choose, We Do It Together”. We can continue to live in hate, violence, lies, and hypocrisy together – or we can grow, love, teach, and learn together. It truly takes a village but right now ours is burning to the ground around us.

To enjoy I Prevail’s 360 VR music video for “DOA“, the guys revealed a helpful note: “If you’re trying to watch in VR off an oculus, psvr, or any headset you need save the video to the “Watch Later” playlist on your YouTube account. Then go to that playlist, click the video and you’ll be good to go. [//]”