Kid Bloom Rings in The End Of Summer With Lemonhead EP

Kid Bloom Rings in The End Of Summer With Lemonhead EP

The bittersweet third EP from the group is out Friday

It’s to no ones’ surprise that 80’s influence is everywhere in pop music nowadays. With danceable beats and bittersweet synths, it hits that sweet spot of emotional release while lifting your spirits as you bop to the beat. Everything you already love about 80’s pop is exactly what Kid Bloom does so well on their Lemonhead EP, out this Friday, August 2nd. The group’s first record since their self-proclaimed pop rebirth last summer expertly showcases their vibrant blend of electric texture, while soundtracking the golden glow of late-summer nostalgia.

Lemonhead is a bit of a sonic shift for the LA based group, fronted by vocalist Lennon Kloser. While their debut EP, A Different State of Mind (2016), through 2018 single “Parents House” channeled the psychedelic vibes of bands like Tame ImpalaWashed Out, and Foster the People, this new direction is an ambitious pop awakening. Think, the 2019 incarnation of Peter Gabriel; “EVRWNDR” would feel right at home alongside “In Your Eyes.”

The overwhelming feeling of this EP is one of warmth and nostalgia. From late summer drives with the top down on title track “Lemonhead,” to prom worthy ballads, “Culprit” and “Circles” it hearkens back feelings of youth and the ache of learning how to navigate those messy and confusing first loves. Lyrically, the EP is tender and self-conscious as Kloser inhabits the same kind of boyish, moody charisma as LANY’s Paul Klein. But the words themselves aren’t the draw here the way the blending of husky vocals with neon drenched synth is. Kloser’s gritty belt undoubtedly stands out among the crowd, adding something to Kid Bloom’s otherwise polished and shimmery sound. That, along with air-guitar worthy riffs sprinkled throughout, are part of what make Lemonhead not just another well-executed pop record.

As summer winds down, Lemonhead invites you to embrace nostalgic feelings of youth. So, go for a drive, bask in the sun, proclaim your love, dance, cry sing, but whatever you do, feel it deeply. Your life’s a movie, Kid Bloom will be there to soundtrack it for you.

You can check out Kid Bloom below, and stream Lemonhead on Aug 2nd.