LISTEN: D.U.M.B Luck Is Here With “Joyful”

LISTEN: D.U.M.B Luck Is Here With “Joyful”

The infectious single is an instant boost of serotonin

dumb luck joyful
Words by Meaghan MacDonald

The indie-pop duo D.U.M.B Luck has premiered their debut single, Joyful.” The song opens with a mystifying, chime-like sound that flows into an upbeat, drum-laden tempo. The chorus is catchy, featuring distorted vocals that sound like something off of a cartoon. A radiant rock influence can be felt throughout this booming debut — making Joyful” an infectious first taste of what’s to come with D.U.M.B Luck.

Made up of duo Jack Correll and Luke Volkert, D.U.M.B Luck began collaborating when they met back in high school. Fully immersing themselves within the Philly music scene, Corell and Volkert’s first project was released back in 2017 via Bandcamp under the successful band Blubird — a group who amassed 1.3 million listens on their song Mischief” aloneThough they separated for college — where they agreed to work on songwriting — the duo joined forces once again last winter to finish recording tracks they began in spring of 2020. Emerging from their winter session, Joyful” serves as an escape from the lockdown-induced dullness the duo experienced.

The members’ love for Philly DIY music scene can be heard throughout the track. Comparable to the likes of JAWNY or The Avalanches, the duo manages to combine aspects of different genres into one harmonious electro-pop record. Joyful” is just the introduction to D.U.M.B. Luck, as they plan to release more music in the coming months. The playful, compelling sound only scratches the surface of the duo’s talent. Beneath their addictive, electro-pop sound are witty, introspective lyrics. The lyrical talent can be heard in the opening verse — Reach out/And I get a lot of nothing/Can I get a little something/Cause it’s been a couple months and I wonder where the love went.”

D.U.M.B Luck successfully created the escape they looked to create. When listening to Joyful,” it’s easy to be transported to a different world. With the bubbly energy the song generates, getting lost within its sound becomes inevitable. The song pulls inspiration from different sounds, combining into something that is uniquely their own. 

The duo’s talent shines on their first single. The balance of creative lyricism along with their experimental sound makes them a fresh, new listen that we can’t wait to hear more of.