LISTEN: Julia Bhatt Delivers A Thought Provoking Tune With “Bird Girl”

LISTEN: Julia Bhatt Delivers A Thought Provoking Tune With “Bird Girl”

Julia Bhatt Bird Girl

Julia Bhatt Bird GirlMiami based indie artist, Julia Bhatt recently released her new single, “Bird Girl” and from the looks of it, this young songstress will be a force to be reckoned with. Fresh out of high school, Julia thrives on her youth to deliver a single with a funky bassline and groovy lyrics. With a track so infectious, it’s impossible to sit still listening to “Bird Girl”.

Speaking on the single Julia shares, “I wrote ‘Bird Girl’ when I was feeling somewhat displaced, like I could go anywhere and nobody would notice. The idea that there are communities all around the world, having no relation to you, is awesome. You can get away from your problems and go somewhere else.”

With a message of feeling more at home with yourself rather than a physical place, “Bird Girl” becomes a carefree anthem for those who are still searching for that feeling of safety and warmth. While the track itself was first started back in the early days of 2019, its lyrics “wanna see the world, world / watch me go,” are relevant now more than ever. As not only general travel is limited or nonexistent but as more people use this time in lockdown and beyond as a time of self-reflection and figuring who they want to be by the end of all this.

2020 was set to be a break out year for Julia – graduating from high school, finally becoming an adult, diving headfirst into her music career by announcing her first-ever tour at the beginning of March but then everything came to a screeching halt. As the world came to a stop, Julia fixated on creating a brilliant release with “Bird Girl”. Working closely with producer and mentor, Elliot Jacobson [Elle King, Ingrid Michaelson, Verite], he shared that the production involved a lot of experimenting, sharing, “changing sounds dramatically over time until things were feeling right.” But when things still weren’t clicking in July, Julia asked him to, “strip the track down as much as possible, even if that means changing core parts,” noting, “It was the best call. Her instincts are razor sharp, beginning to end.”

“Bird Girl” is the perfect bop to help align our chakras and open ourselves up to new heights. With this coming from the mind of someone who has so much more to experience in life – it’s safe to say that Julia Bhatt is going to be a firecracker in this industry.