NEWS: Lindsey Stirling Announces Charity COVID-19 Relief Program ‘The Upside Fund’

NEWS: Lindsey Stirling Announces Charity COVID-19 Relief Program ‘The Upside Fund’

Along with a weekly virtual series ‘String Sessions’ with a special featured guest every week

Lindsey Sterling The Upside Fund music news

Multi-talented, platinum-selling artist, Lindsey Stirling, has come up with new ways to connect with her fans around the world during this time of COVID-19 – which upended her world tour to support her number one album Artemis. Stirling created a charity outreach for families, with distressing economic needs resulting from the Coronavirus. The program deemed, The Upside Fund [launched in April] has already gifted hundreds of thousands of dollars to those who need it most. As a result of the events happening around the world due to the pandemic, Stirling has announced that The Upside Fund, named after her single The Upside,” is now open to accepting tax-deductible donations and has expanded its reach to include people who need immediate economic assistance with housing/rent, utilities, groceries, medical bills, and more. The ultimate goal of this charity fund, a project of Community Partners [a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity] is to help people in dire need of financial assistance during the pandemic. You can find out more information on the incredible The Upside Fund Here – or if you are able to donate click Here. 

All of us have felt the effects of COVID-19,” shares Stirling. If this would have happened when I was just starting out, it could have been the end of my career. With so many people at risk of losing everything, I knew I had to do something. I started encouraging my fans who are struggling financially to apply for assistance through my website so that I can try to help. Those of us fortunate enough to be able to give back have a responsibility to do whatever we can to help those who are in jeopardy during this hard time. It’s time for us to come together with our communities and lift where we stand.”

During quarantine, Stirling has also been working on a new project that reaches her fans during these isolating times. Introducing her new virtual series String Sessions – a podcast available on all platforms. Along with the widespread launch of The Upside Fund, this week’s episode features grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Jewel, and it showcases her latest single  Grateful.” Each episode of String Sessions begins with an acoustic performance of her featured guests’ songs, along with a string arrangement produced by Stirling, followed-up by an interview. Episodes are featured every Friday on her Youtube channel, with podcasts available every Monday.

It was so fun to work with an iconic artist like Jewel but, even more than loving the song, I love who she is and what she stands for,” adds Stirling. In our interview, she shared a lot about her personal story, and it left me feeling so uplifted and inspired.”


Featured Image By Sydney Takeshta